Get Involved

At Abundant Life we are always looking for volunteers who want to support our mission of walking along side single mothers who are faced with an unplanned pregnancy. You can help support a single mama through our following programs:

Mother Hen Program

The vision behind our Mother Hens is that each one is a seasoned mama who can walk alongside a pregnant woman who is facing an unplanned pregnancy and be her support. So often these ladies are alone, scared and not sure how any of this works. As we have grown at Abundant Life, we see how important it is for each mama to feel valued and know she has someone in her court. Becoming a mother has its challenges, and having someone to disciple you through is such a blessing! 

Mother Hen Commitments Include:

  • Weekly check-ins (texting or phone calls are the best for this)
  • Attend most, if not all weekly support group meetings (if applicable)
  • Home visit with mama postpartum (within first two weeks of delivery)
  • Accountability meetings/calls with Abundant Life staff
  • Continue reaching out until after your mama has had her baby.
  • Praying for them regularly.

To be considered for our Mother Hen Program, please fill out our volunteer application and someone from our team will be contacting you soon to discuss next steps.

Baby Showers

Toward the end of each of our support groups we throw one big baby shower for every mom who commits to attending the support groups that semester.

Ways to volunteer:

  • Assist with baby shower set-up and/or tear down
  • Purchase and/or make food for the baby showers
  • Help wrap all of the presents for the big day
  • Help deliver the presents the day of the baby shower.
  • Purchase new baby items still needed off of our Amazon wish list.

If you are interested in helping with any of the above mentioned, please fill out our volunteer application letting us know how you would like to serve your time and a member from our team will be in contact with you soon.

Mama Showers

Our Mama Showers are so near and dear to our hearts as we want to make known the fact that these women chose life and should be celebrated. On this day we get to pamper our mamas, pray with them, and break bread with them as we continue to build community and friendship on our last night. So, if you have a special trade or skill and would like to volunteer your services we would love to have you.

Trades needed:

  • Hairstylist
  • Photographer
  • Nail Tech
  • Esthetician
  • Other

Please fill out our volunteer application and select what area you would like to be a part of to be considered for our volunteer program.

Dream Big Program

After completing the Abundant Life 10 weeks small group, this program will encourage single mothers to Dream Big in order to achieve their goals. Having a baby should be a blessing, not a burden, and we want to support women in their decision to choose life for their baby and themselves. Through the course of 4 weeks, these young ladies will be inspired, challenged, and hear testimonies of women overcoming difficulties in order to provide for their new baby. 

Dream Big Commitments

  • Attend weekly group for 4 weeks
  • Encourage mamas to find their purpose and calling
  • Be a support for the mamas who enter into this program
  • Build community amongst the mamas in our program

If you are interested in volunteering for this program, please fill out our volunteer application and select what area you would like to be a part of. This is a summer program and meets in the month of June.

Mommy Meet-ups

Our Mommy-Meet-ups were created when all of the mamas who graduated our program kept wanting to come back for the community. So, we decided to come up with a way to make that happen.

Every month we plan an event for the mamas and their children to attend. These meet-ups range from educational to just hanging out with a bunch of moms and their babies. This is a more laid back environment and a great way to connect with other mamas and build relationships with those who are in search of community.

If this sounds like something you are interested in, please fill out our volunteer application and select what area you would like to be a part of. You do not have to attend monthly to volunteer for this program.

If you have any questions about these programs, please email our

Program Coordinator at

Thank you so much for your interest in volunteering with us and changing the world, one Abundant Life at a time.