Mother Hen Program

The vision behind our Mother Hen Program is that each Mother Hen is a seasoned mama who can walk alongside a pregnant woman who is facing an unplanned pregnancy and be her support.

So often these ladies are alone, scared and not sure how any of this works. As we have grown at Abundant Life, we see how important it is for each mama to feel valued and know she has someone in her court. Becoming a mother has its challenges, and having someone to disciple you through is such a blessing! 

Mother Hen Commitments Include:

  • Weekly check-ins (texting or phone calls are the best for this)
  • Attend most, if not all weekly support group meetings (if applicable)
  • Home visit with mama postpartum (within first two weeks of delivery)
  • Accountability meetings/calls with Abundant Life staff
  • Continue reaching out until after your mama has had her baby.
  • Praying for them regularly.

To be considered for our Mother Hen Program, please fill out our volunteer application and someone from our team will be contacting you soon to discuss next steps.